So the question is, why do I get to blog? This is a conundrum I've always had about blogging. Who decides what is interesting? However, that's the great thing about blogging. Everyone's voice counts equally. In writing and in teaching, I have found discovering your own sense of voice paramount. The internet is a seething, tangled mess of indie.
Everyone has a voice worth using, and a story worth telling. What separates those who are heard from those who aren't involves two main elements: 1. Moxie. You have to actually believe you are worth people's time and energy, and do something about it. 2. Can you do it well?
That's why I'm devoting a blog to the study of literature, and to the study of my own writing process--my own literature. I write memoir, so of course I'm going to sneak my life in here somewhere. I also write a lot of fantasy, because I find the ability to move symbol into myth and back again a fascinating way to study character and every day life.
Please comment. I love comments. They make me all warm and fuzzy. If you have any questions about writing or reading, I'm drowning in Ed. and workshopping experience, so I would be happy to share.
Share soon, share often, over share. Bets